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Address Help
Help Us Find Your Address
No House Number
Entry of a meter number or prior occupant’s name is recommended.
House Number
- Alpha Character - Include it without spaces.
For example: 100 A Washington St, enter as 100A Washington St - Fractional Portion - Include it with a space.
For example: 1001/2 Washington St, enter as 100 1/2 Washington St
Street Names
- Abbreviations - Avoid using abbreviations for the main street name.
For example: 100 Wash St, enter as 100 Washington St - More Than One Word - If the address is not located as one word, try reentering as two words.
For example: 100 Beachhill Rd, enter as 100 Beach Hill Rd
Street Direction
Enter the abbreviation.
For example:
100 East Washington St, enter as 100 E Washington St 100
1st South, enter as 100 1st St S
Street Suffix
Enter the abbreviated suffix after the main street name.
For example:
100 Washington Street, enter as 100 Washington St
100 1st Street, enter as 100 1st St
State or US Route
Avoid using abbreviations for the main street name.
For example:
Rt 55, enter as Route 55
100 Rt 55, enter as 100 Route 55
100 St Rt 55, enter as 100 State Route 55
100 US Rt 40, enter as 100 US Route 40
Rural Route or Highway Contract
Enter the abbreviation.
For example:
Rural Route 3 Box 9, enter as RR 3 Box 9
Highway Contract 72 Box 10A, enter as HC 72 Box 10A