Chamberlin-Hudson Muni East 138kV Transmission Line Rebuild (Case No. 17-1481-EL-BLN)

This project involves addition of a new structure and replacement of 42 existing structures, with slightly taller, similarly configured structures on the existing Chamberlin-Hudson Muni East 138-kV transmission line. The new structure is being added to correct potential blowout clearance violations, and will be placed approximately at mid-span between existing structures. The existing structures will be replaced to correct vertical clearance issues and will be placed in approximately the same respective locations.

Project Documents

A paper copy of the application can be supplied within 5 business days upon request at no more than the cost of printing and shipping.

Request for a paper copy can be made by contacting the transmission project hotline at 1-800-589-2837 or by e-mail. Please reference the project name and case number (17-1481-EL-BLN) in all communications.